# A Vanilla Blog This website is blatantly, shamelessly modeled off of elly.town, but I have signficantly less to say about programming than elly and way more experience with front-end and publication, so I've crept around elly's site directory to see the bare bones of blogging. It's simply an XML file that I update manually once each post is publication-ready with these fields: urn:uuid:... YYYY-MM-DD On my Alpine machine, a laptop I plug into a 1080p monitor, the command to generate a UUID is part of the util-linux package: $ uuid On my Arch laptop, it's $ uuidgen Each post is a .txt with strict 80-column line breaks. The appeal of this is portability and storage. I have tried Jekyll and Hugo in the past and didn't enjoy manging rubygems and Ruby versions for the former, and learning to make templates was simply not worth it to me. Most of what I write starts in markdown, so you would think these static site generators are ideal, but there is something wonderfully brutalist about hosting raw plain text instead of messing around with styling. The .css of this website is my Perona color scheme, starts in sass, and is only seen on html indexes of .txt files.